Adoption agreement
Concluded in Wrocław on , between:
Giving up for adoption:
Koci Zakatek Foundation
Kilinskiego 22/11
KRS 0000356442, NIP 899-269-26-71
Represented by:
and the Adopter:
First name and surname:
Series and ID card no.:
Registered address:
Address – cat’s residing location:
Contact phone number, email address:
The contract applies to a cat with a temporary name:
Special features:
The above parties agree to the following terms of this agreement:
- The Adopter undertakes:
a) to treating the Cat in accordance with the Animal Protection Act, not exposing it to excessive stress or danger
b) to provide the Cat with adequate food, fresh water and warm shelter, optimal for its development and health
c) to provide the necessary equipment for the Cat - a closed carrier for travel and visits to the vet, litter box, litter
d) to provide the Cat with veterinary care, e.g. periodic vaccinations, de-worming, other prophylactic treatments and treatments related to cat's illness, as recommended by a veterinarian
e) not to subject the Cat to any experiments, medical or otherwise
f) not to breed the Cat
g) to sterilise / castrate the Cat when it reaches sexual maturity, no later than and notify the Foundation about the procedure once performed
f) never to leave the Cat unattended for longer than 24 hours - The Adopter declares that he/she will secure any relevant windows/doors, and cover the balcony with mesh by to prevent the animal from falling out. The fact that the balcony is secure will be confirmed by the Adopter by e-mail, with an attached photo.
- If the Adopter is not able to secure the balcony with mesh, the Parties agree on the following method of securing the Cat against falling out:
- The Adopter, in the most convenient way (letter, email, telephone) will inform the Foundation about how the Cat is doing, especially about possible problems with its adaptation in the new place.
- The Adopter will comply with a post-adoption visit if requested by the Foundation. At the time of signing this agreement, the Parties arrange post-adoption visits:
- 1st visit by
- 2nd visit by
- 3rd visit by - The Adopter is required to inform the Foundation, by e-mail / phone, immediately after learning about the Cat’s deterioration in health or other disturbing symptoms, its disappearance or death.
- The Adopter agrees to chipp the cat and register the chipp in an international database until
- The Cat referred to in this contract is transferred to the Adopter's care as an indoor cat, i.e. not able to leave its premises without supervision: YES/NO
- In the case of the house with outdoor accessibility the Adopter declares that he/she will keep the Cat indoors, for the purpose of acclimatization, for a period of at least 8 weeks. After this period, the Adopter will oversee the Cat’s gradual adaptation to being allowed to roam outside, unless there are any reasons for not going outdoors at all, such as health or other.
- The Adopter declares that if he/she is unable to keep the Cat at home, in the first place, he will immediately notify the Foundation for adoption. The Foundation undertakes to accept the Cat for re-adoption. If, in agreement, both parties agree that the Cat will stay with the Adopter while it finds a new home, the Foundation undertakes to help in finding a new home. Before the Cat is handed over to new owners, an new adoption agreement will be signed. The Cat will not be auctioned online or otherwise, sold, put into the care of another person, in a shelter, pet store or otherwise abandoned.
- In the event of problems experienced with the Cat, the Foundation undertakes (within feasible measures) to help the Adopter.
- The Foundation provides advice on the nutrition and care requirements of the Cat.
- The Adopter undertakes to strictly observe the provisions of the contract, and in particular to comply with the recommendations of the Foundation especially in the initial stage of adaptation in a new home.
- In the event of loss or death of the Cat due to an accident or negligence of the Adopter within 3 months from the date of signing the contract, the Adopter covers the cost of the Animal’s food, treatment, vaccination and sterilization incurred by the Foundation.
- The parties agree on the possibility of terminating the contract and returning the Cat to the Foundation for re-adoption in the event the Cat experiences serious problems with adaptation to the new place or its safety is compromised, with prerequisite changes in its upcoming living arrangements not made prior to Cat’s adoption, for example inability to provide a safety mesh around balcony/window, which would prevent the Animal from staying in the Adopter's house.
- In the event of a breach of the terms of the Contract, the Foundation has the right to immediately pick up the animal regardless of the time that has passed since the adoption.
- In the case of violations of essential provisions of this Agreement, of a criminal nature, the Foundation, acting pursuant to the Animal Protection Act of August 21, 1997 (Journal of Laws 03.106.1002) and Art. 304 § 1 sentence 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, will notify law enforcement authorities of the suspected crime.
- The adoption contract was drawn up in the form of two unambiguous copies, one for each party.
- I consent to the processing of my personal data by Fundacja Koci Zakątek based in Wrocław. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182, as amended), to the extent necessary to execute the adoption contract and to implement the statutory tasks of the Koci Zakątek Foundation. I declare that I have been informed about the right to access my personal data and about the possibility of submitting a request for supplementing, updating, rectifying or deleting the data.
Signature of the person representing the Foundation
Signature of the adopter
Please make a donation of any amount that will be used for homeless cats, under the care of the Koci Zakatek Foundation (funds for food, treatment, sterilization) with the title: donation for statutory purposes to the account: Koci Zakatek Foundation, Bank Pekao SA 38 1240 6768 1111 0010 6579 9904.