Koci ZakątekPLEN

Foster care contract

Signed in , on the day

Organisation data:

First name and forename:

Koci Zakatek Foundation
ul. Kilińskiego 22/11
50-264 Wrocław

Phone number:

E-mail: adopcje@kocizakatek.pl

ID number:

Foster carer data:

First name and forename:

Home address in Poland:

Phone number:


ID number:

The following contract concerns the animal:

  1. Date of handover:  (longterm/up to) name given by Foundation, sex: , breed: , age: , colouring: .
    Neutured/not neutured, date of planned surgery: .
  2. Date of handover:  (longterm/up to) name given by Foundation, sex: , breed: , age: , colouring: .
    Neutured/not neutured, date of planned surgery: .
  3. Date of handover:  (longterm/up to) name given by Foundation, sex: , breed: , age: , colouring: .
    Neutured/not neutured, date of planned surgery: .
  4. Date of handover:  (longterm/up to) name given by Foundation, sex: , breed: , age: , colouring: .
    Neutured/not neutured, date of planned surgery: .

The above parties agree to the following terms of this agreement:

  1. Fundacja Koci Zakatek (Fundacja) remains prime carer/owner of the animal concerned and therefore reserves all rights to undertake any future decisions concerning the animal.
  2. The above animal will be provided the best possible care in the foster home, according to the standards of Polish law and ethics.
  3. Foster home to the above animal is obliged to:
  4. Foundation declares to cover the costs of:
  5. Veterinary treatment expenses will be covered providing, that the treatment took place in a clinic appointed before by Foundation.
  6. The only exeption from the above is an emergency situation when no member of the Foundation is available via telephone or e-mail. Foster Carer may attend any clinic available and the cost will be returned.
  7. Foster Carer can not decide on her/his own where and how to treat the cat (exept Chapter 5) in case of non-urgent situation. If such happens, Foundation reserves the right to refuse cost reimbursment.
  8. Any health or behavioral problem should be reported immiediatly to the Foudation.
  9. Foster Carer will provide necessary medical treatment at home, as reccomended by veterinarian. In case those recomendations come from a doctor, chosen by a Foster Carer (not a Foundation), Foundation reserves the right to retrieve the treatment, when it is concerned by Foundation to be inadequate or hazardous for animal's life.
  10. If any main problem concerning cat's behaviour occures during foster care period, Foundation will be informed immiedietly about it. If the case is to take the cat from foster home, Foundation reserves 14 days to find another place for the cat.
  11. Foundation can decide to terminate the contract without any notice and take the cat back.
  12. When the contract terminates, Foster Carer can not request from Foundation reimbursement of costs, commited during period of foster care, which were not disscussed and agreed with the Foundation before, no matter what circumstances of the contract termination would be.
  13. Foster Carer has a right to adopt the cat, but should inform Foundation about such plans in advance.
  14. Every day foster care is provided entirely on the voluntary basis.
  15. Foundation will not cover the costs of potential damage done by the cat to furniture, walls, carpets etc during foster care period, neither the costs concerning potencial damage to third party properties.
  16. If Foster Carer decides to terminate the contract, apart from unexpected sudden private reasons, Foundation reserves the 14 days to find another place for the cat.
  17. The above contract comes in two identical copies for both parties.
Foster Carer

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Koci Zakątek